SenseCAP M1 LoRaWAN Indoor Gateway comes with one year of product warranty. You could contact your distributor or manufacturer if you encounter any product quality problems. Please click this link to find detailed warranty information.
You could always find useful documents we arranged for you on SenseCAP MX Document Center, which we also encourage users to check first when encountering an issue.
To better communicate with our customers and solve issues in a timely manner, we have also developed a Help Center supported by a tech support team with colleagues from different time zones. If you encounter any product-related issue, you are welcome to create a tech support ticket on SenseCAP Help Center.
You are highly encouraged to join our Offcial SenseCAP MX Community on Discord, where you could meet the community, join all the interesting discussions, and find most of the information and answers to your questions related to SenseCAP.
You could also drop a mail to [email protected] and provide as much information as possible and accurately describe your problem and steps to replicate it.